Sunday, November 11, 2012

Module 8 MVMs

Module 8 marks the end of this course and my last course before the Practicum. I've learned a great deal. The series has not been an "eye-opener" for me, because I have been teaching online for over 10 years. However, it has given me solid, practical tools that I will use.

I have been reviewing and revising my ePortfolio for this class over the past week. I probably have missed quite a few changes; however, I incorporated the suggestions made in my grading sheets right after receiving the grading sheet. Now I have to go back through and remember what I changed. The nature of the my classes require that we fix our work before we go on--if there is a problem in your database, you must fix it or the next steps will not work. I should have kept better track of what I did. However, I did not receive any serious "error messages." I wrote introductions for all my pages. It didn't make sense to me to create something without an explanation of what it was. Perhaps that is just the teacher in me coming out.

Internet in Cabarete has been up and down for the last few days. Fortunately, I finished the review of my ePortfolio on Wednesday. I'll do the proofreading on Friday.

What did I get out of this particular module? I tend to be very organized, so I did not pick up many organization tips. Unfortunately, I don't have the option of using Subject Lines; our new LMS just doesn't have that feature at this time.

I did feel like I was apologizing all week for wanting to have a life. I have given 150% to my job for 16 years. For the first 10 years I felt valued and was rewarded. Over the last five years the politicking and morale have gotten so bad that I have had to check out to stay sane. My support group has retired or is retiring. I planned to retire four years ago, but the economy nixed that. I don't think I have copped an attitude. I think that I am just coming to the realization that the people who are rewarded are the ones that give out A's and pass all their students. Those faculty get to be "real" online instructors and don't have to come to campus. The rest of us do the work that they are not on campus to do.

I got some great tips for tools. Google Docs is built into Canvas and I need to revisit all the Google tools. We have had issues with the built in tools in Canvas. Instructure's vendors we overloaded and Scribd was running nearly a week behind in translating documents. Our Camtasia Relay was locked up too and it was taking days to render a video. I am so glad that I know how to use other tools and have learned more from my classmates. As I have found an item that I think a colleague would enjoy, I've forwarded it. They have all thanked me and said it was a new resource they would use. Thanks to all my classmates.

Next stop? The Practicum. But that will have to wait until Summer--maybe Spring, but likely summer.


Added on 11/17/2012

I have to admit I am surprised at the manner in which we all just "checked out" without closing. In my summer class we almost did not want to say "good bye." This course is about online community and we exited silently. Was the community building too intense and we burned out on communication? There is much to consider.

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