Saturday, September 29, 2012

Module 1: Most Valuable Learning Moments (MVMs)

In spite of T-Mobile's lack of response to my ongoing issues with the Internet connection at my home, week one of EDUC 761 - Collaborative Learning Communities got off to a strong start. I was able to get into the class site from work, various Internet cafes, the Sleeping Lady, and even occasionally from home.

Our instructor, Kay Lehnmann, both introduced and modeled best practices in the initial steps in creating community in online classes. She started with a message sent before the class started setting clear expectations and giving getting started instructions. The first assignment was the ubiquitous introduction; however, Kay responded to each of us as individuals to create presence and asked follow on questions to create connection.

Our next assignment asked us to chose a best practice from our required textbook, Making the Move to eLearning: Putting Your Course Online and to discuss how the practice was or was not used in a class we experienced. I chose to talk about a class I took in a series on blended learning. The posted materials indicated that it was important to connect with each student individually; however, the instructor responded to each of us with the same canned message. I expected that she would weave it into a learning experience, but she did not. Even if she had used it as a learning moment, I believe that the method was unacceptable. She had not created enough of a relationship with her students to start the class with an unfavorable community bonding experiment. I propose that this type of experiment can only be done after trust has been established.

The discussion was deep and rewarding. I admitted to having totally messed up an experience with one student by being sarcastic to her. I have a long established reputation for my patience. I have no excuse for what I did to her. I know better. This is a lesson that I have learned the hard way that will enable to me to be a more effective online instructor in the future.

I enjoyed reconnecting with former classmates and meeting new ones. This is a dynamic class and I am looking forward to an exciting learning experience.

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