Monday, October 8, 2012

Module 3: Most Valuable Learning Moments

Decorative image of wasp
My first learning moment of this week occurred on Sunday when I discovered that one can be stung by a dead bee. Of course you have to touch the stinger in some way. Placing one's arm on the bee does accomplish just that. Ouch. Large, swollen, itchy spot.

My second learning moment came when I received my grades from Module 2. On Monday I read the materials for Module 3 and made a note next to this paragraph on the Background page: "Instructors need to watch argumentative dialogues carefully to make sure that ideas are challenged, but people are not." My note read--felt like Kay did this to my post in 2B or not 2B. Kay's comment on my grading sheet for Module 3 read "And then you let me challenge one of your points a bit to build the conversation!" I am pleased that I was able to see what was occurring and respond appropriately.

One technique that I have used in facilitating online discussions is to know who can be challenged to take the discussion to the next level. The other students will often see that it is okay--even safe--to engage with the instructor in that manner and the student being engaged can feel more connected with the materials and the class.

One of the techniques that I learned this week that I will definitely take to my online classes is summarizing the discussion. I don't do this enough. I think if I were to do this after a particularly informative series of messages, I could enhance the understanding of the materials and reduce the number of similar questions. As much as I don't like this, I believe that my students are more likely to read my posting then those of their classmates. Students in my software classes have stated that they prefer to hear from me than from their classmates. I try to temper this my commenting on how accurate the posting of their classmates usually are.Decorative image of a tiger's head

AKK--Ichiro just hit a home run for the Yankees in the 9th. I hate the Yankees. Go Tigers!!! Double akk--Raul just took one long-AGAIN. I love Raul and hate the Yankees. Just goes to show you that professional players may not come out strong in the first half but they finish strong when it counts.

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