Monday, October 15, 2012

Module 4: MVMs

Module 4 is about creating connections between Learners and Content, Learner and Facilitators and Learners and Learners using facilitator skills and Web 2.0 tools. My main "aha's" came from reading the comments of my peers and learning from their experiences. I also learned that I tend not to challenge directly but to use questions to stimulate learners to question their ideas or to find alternative methods.

We also explored creating connections with Web 2.0 tools and to use them to enhance the learning not simply because they are cool or interactive. I did a lot of work with Web 2.0 tools this summer in my Intro to Web Technology class. I also use YouTube and Screencast-o-matic regularly in my classes. I am using Twitter more often and just started using our program's group page on Facebook. I'm also a big fan of PollEverywhere.

Decorative image of two people sitting on a fence
I am definitely on the fence about the instructor's best practices for this module. I think addressing a speaker by name is polite. Anything posted to a discussion board is by nature public. It is no different than two students engaging in a public discussion in a classroom. Although the discussion started between these two, the rules of open discussion allow anyone to join into the interchange. Additionally, I do not like starting a sentence in the subject line and finishing it the body of the message. I find that I have to reread the sentence several times to grasp the meaning. Probably just the way my brain works; however, since I find that I have to reread the sentence several times, I would not use this method in my own classes.

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